
She's On Her Way - Finally (Beth's Padre Guest Post)

Valet, valet, she's on her way.  We part company today after 12 days of father/daughter travel, and what an absolute pleasure it has been - at least for mi.  Barcelona, Sevilla, Arcos de la Frontera, Granada, and Madrid, and many desayunos, comidas, cenas, 500 miles in a car, primero class train ride, and many hours in flight.  Ample opportunities to impart great wisdom one to one, and she has taught me much.  

She will do well with Espanol - is my hope. "Dad, I used to know what that guy just said." "When?" I ask.   "About three weeks ago."  Valet, valet.  Esta es mi hijar.  

I will miss your smile and hugs and laugh and smile and hugs and laugh - a lot.  "Look, Beth, a Rembrandt."  "Like the toothpaste?"  Oviedo awaits -  do me proud, and I know you will because you always do!  All my love, Padre. 

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Ooooooooooooooooohhhhh Buzz! You are so sweet! Have a good flight home. And Beth, good luck getting to Oviedo and meeting your new familia! Don't forget us.....your prima familia! Love, Mom