
Travel Bug.

So last night, the beautiful Julie, Britt and I were sitting and just chit chatting away like girls do. Anyway we started talking about places that we have travelled to, and comparing stories with each other about our foreign adventures. Ever since our little chat last night I can't get my mind off of traveling. All I want to do right now is get on a plane to come exotic country and have an adventure.

Traveling is an interesting thing. Yes, you may have been to the same place as someone else, but you will never share your same experience with anyone. The memories you made, and the feelings you felt are yours, and only yours to keep. I think this is part of the reason why I am so addicted to traveling. The experiences that I have had during my travels have defined a huge part of me. I have learned so many lessons while out and about that I would never have learned by staying in my bed. I know I am just rambling on, but it is all I can think about today! 

So, I guess the conclusion is... I must start saving up for my next adventure! Wherever it may be, and whenever it may be, I cannot wait!

Places that I want to visit next:


1 comment:

Ashley said...

I want to go to Argentina too since we didn't get to go while we were down there. Let's go and visit Valpo again too.